Thursday, April 30, 2020

Monday, April 27, 2020

Orgasm Alert

Def Com 5 Orgasm Alert

With all the focus on social distancing and everyone being stuck at home Orgasms for several groups are suffering.   Couples with children at home are now faced with no time without the kids even the school hours are out for making whoopie.   However, the real crisis lies with the single folks out there  that are not able to have the social interactions and dating that might lead to a wonderful orgasm or two with someone new.  While masturbation is always there that is just not the same as a physical connection with another person but we all have to do what we have to do.  So avoid calling up that ex-partner for a bootie call and ride out this orgasm alert, it will be over soon, we hope. 

Free book for Everyone Under an Orgasm Alert

Friday, April 24, 2020

The Alien Invasion of Coronavirus

Coronavirus - An Alien Invasion 

I know we all think that when we are visited by Aliens they will come down in a flying saucer and will be very humanistic in features.  Have you ever thought that maybe the aliens that would visit us might come in the form of a micro state such as in a virus.  Instead of fighting aliens like we do in most movies with tanks and airplane maybe we might have to fight them off with our red blood cells from the inside of our bodies.  You see science at this point cannot actually pinpoint exactly where viruses begin, that leaves a lot of questions about their origins.  

In the classic radio and film, The War of the Worlds the alien invasion is stopped by viruses here on earth and the weak immune system fo the aliens.  Could this be actually happening in the reverse way, with the Coronavirus?  Or have other devastating illnesses through out history been brought about by aliens in a sense?  The Bubonic plague could have been another alien invasion in our history.  When you look at the viruses under a microscope they do look like a very alien species.  

But maybe, just maybe this alien invasion is more about preparing us to be stronger for our future.  Maybe these alien viruses are here to make us stronger to challenge our immune systems so that one day we will be better prepared for space travel or mingling with other races throughout the universe.  Are these viruses creating superhuman?

For those of us that believe that there is an abundance of life in the universe this make a lot of sense.  While there is death associated with the Coronavirus, death is a constant part of our life here on earth, maybe it helps with survival of the fittest.  It is obvious that humans are developing very fast.  Thing about what has happened and the advancements we have made in the last 100 years, it is outstanding the technology we have come up with in our life.  This Coronavirus might just be another part of our advancement.   

Now Keep your Love Live Evolving!

Within this accessible and approachable guide, you’ll find exciting and steamy sex positions like Bottoms Up, The Joyride, The Lotus, Spread Eagle, as well as more than twenty less-frequent, but more adventurous sexual topics and positions. You’ll also discover sections about foreplay, toys, setting the mood, exercises to improve your performance and flexibility, why size only matters when it’s wrong, and many other burning topics that are often overlooked. 

Get ready to take your sex life to a whole-new level with The Big Black Book of Sex Positions.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Today is Earth Day and My Birthday

Hello and happy Earth Day everyone, I hope you everyday you are doing things to help our planet but today is officially the day to think of our planet. 

It also happens to be my Birthday and I am happy to share it with the planet we live upon.  One this special day I would like to encourage you to purchase on of my many books.  There is something for every taste.  From my Sexy Challenge Line, The Big Black Book of Sex Positions, Speaking Kind Words, to my Angry Granny Series, there are even several free books in my catalog.  

Peace and Love to you all
From The Earth and Me

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

100 Top Intimate Items for Lovers

Sex is amazing, Sex is Fun, Sexy is out of this world
However, it can always get better!

Sexy Challenges knows that there is not limit to the sexual energy you can experience. However, a good majority of people out there do not have any clue what products are out there to help improve their sexual experiences. That is why I put together a crack team of experts to help find the best products for your sexual satisfaction. 

Now-a-days there are millions of sexual products out there to choose from. Which means there is a lot to consider when making a selection to put more pleasure in your sex life. Not only are their choices but there are health issues to sexual items, and now many times come with warranties and options, that a person can get overwhelmed in a hurry. Sex should not be stressful nor should picking out items to assist you in your sexual escapades. 

That is why this book was created. Items to enhance your sexual experience are investments. You put out money for said items and hope they will deliver massive returns on your investments. However throwing money blindly in a sex toy store or online isn’t the best investment policy. You have to do the research. With that being said most people don’t have the time or the balls to really dive into researching sexual items. Good thing my team here at Sexy Challenges does.  

We want to take as much of the guess work out of the process as possible. This book was designed to share our top picks with you so that instead of having millions of items to choose from you will have 100 or a few more of the best of the best. High quality, best price, longest lasting items to keep your libido active and excited. Together we will help you build a arsenal of sexual items to keep things new and evolving in your bedroom, and outside of it also.

We are not just talking about sex toys such as vibrators. There is an entire world out there of amazing products that when used in the correct fashion will help turn you on and up to a new level of sexual excitement. The list is so long believe me it was a daunting task narrowing this book down to 100 items. Sure there will be sex toys in the list but there will also be games, beverages, items to cleaning up, storage, and a lot more areas that you might not have through about. That is why I brought in the experts.  

The goal here is to update this book twice a year to help keep it fresh and up to date on all the advancements in the sexuality felid. Part of our process is listening to our readers, so if you have a suggestion for a product to be in our next edition by all means sent the information to me. You will be able to find my contact information at the end of this book. Also if you have any question you can send them to me and if I don’t know the answer I will do my best to find it from our team or a different source.  

My suggestion for using this book is as follows. Go through the book all the way before you decide on anything to add to your play time. After you have finished mark down a few items you would like to try and have your partner do the same. If you are single and not dating you can skip that last step. Now compare lists and if any items are the same on both lists don’t hesitate pick those up right away. Next set a plan on what Item or items you want to try next and start a budget for your sexual pleasure items. Understand that everything in these pages might not be for you and the is okay we all are different and unique so embrace that fact. So if something doesn’t appeal to you don’t just pick it up cause it is in the book! Trust your feelings use the sexual force.  

Making your list out of the items in the pages and sharing it with your lover is a great way to help during gift giving times, such as the holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, as well as weddings and bridal showers, and bachelor parties.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Band To Watch - Sports Team

Sports Team - Fishing

We want to introduce you to an up and coming band we are finding most awesome.  Check out there video for Fishing and let us know what you think!

Brought to your by the Music Lover that Writes Sexy Challenges

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Sock Debate

Socks On or Off During Sex?

It seems like a very easy straight forward questions.  However there are many factors to consider.  For example what is the temperature outside?  If it is bitterly cold keeping the socks on might make sense.  Also there is some study that states if your feet are warmer you feel more sexy?  Many people consider being naked and leaving your socks on to look really odd.  Plus the type of socks make a difference are the ankle socks or tube socks, or are they considered sexy stockings.  Socks could make it slick and cause injury if you are trying to have sex standing up.   If your partner has ugly toes socks might make things a big more sexy and let us not forget socks might help avoid those dangerous toenails.   So you see the answer is not so clear cut as just a personal preference.   Please talk the sock question over with your partner before sex.  

Free book as you ponder the Sock Question.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Cure for Coronavirus Boredom

It is estimated that there will be a boom in Babies come December of 2020 because of the Coronavirus and people being asked to stay home during this time.  So everyone might as well have the book the makes the most of that time. 

The Big Black Book of Sex Positions

Within this accessible and approachable guide, you’ll find exciting and steamy sex positions like Bottoms Up, The Joyride, The Lotus, Spread Eagle, as well as more than twenty less-frequent, but more adventurous sexual topics and positions. You’ll also discover sections about foreplay, toys, setting the mood, exercises to improve your performance and flexibility, why size only matters when it’s wrong, and many other burning topics that are often overlooked. 

Get ready to take your sex life to a whole-new level with The Big Black Book of Sex Positions.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Coronavirus is not a STD but you still should be careful

Coronavirus and Sex

Good news is that coronavirus is not a STD with that being said if someone has Coronavirus and you are having sex with them the human to human contact could cause you to get the virus.  That means you should still error on the side of safety and maybe not enjoy a lovely romp in the the hay with someone infected.  Now if you can't control yourself you could safeguard yourself but wearing a mask and gloves while having sex, and now it is starting to get kinky.   

Although we are joking about this Sexy Challenges does want you to stay healthy and protect yourself from any infection.  You know how you are suppose to wash your hands all the time now, think about doing your entire body after having sex, it is a good practice to get into anyway.  

Also be Sexy and Safe my Friends. 

and for when you are feeling better.

Within this accessible and approachable guide, you’ll find exciting and steamy sex positions like Bottoms Up, The Joyride, The Lotus, Spread Eagle, as well as more than twenty less-frequent, but more adventurous sexual topics and positions. You’ll also discover sections about foreplay, toys, setting the mood, exercises to improve your performance and flexibility, why size only matters when it’s wrong, and many other burning topics that are often overlooked. 

Get ready to take your sex life to a whole-new level with The Big Black Book of Sex Positions.

Monday, April 6, 2020

The Power of Sex Magick

Here is a pretty good video on Sex Magick and while it just scratches the surface of the power it gives you a very good base to begin your journey.  While you think sex magick is all centered about sex understand that Sex Magick is our life-force energy it is the creation of everything so while it can be sexy and passionate it can also be creative such as in creating artwork, writing books, creating plays and cooking just to name a few. 

My journey of Sex Magick is a constant learning process and it has helped me open up to many amazing things such as writing this book on using metaphysical practices to help couples find a deeper connection in their love life.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Financial Woes

Financial hardships can hit a relationship hard.  Trust me I have witnessed it personally.  but when financial troubles hit you have the choice to dive in and fix it together or let it tear your relationship apart.  There are so many options that it can make your head spin.  Bankruptcy is a bail out option but it is a commitment that can destroy a relationship.  If you chose bankruptcy it will hang over your head for the next 10 years of your life.  I would avoid the pitfalls of bankruptcy unless it is the last hope.  Studies show that with a bankruptcy against you you end up spending more on everything you get a loan for in the long run.  So if there is an option out there that can help you out take it before you just jump into the bankruptcy.  It might be a quick way out but it is also a very stressful thing to deal with in your relationship together and many relationships don't make it out alive.  

Check out my friend at the Lending Club before you consider Bankruptcy by clicking the link below and see what they can do for you and your relationship.