Sunday, February 26, 2023

Habits of Love


By Anh Sphabmixay

What is your first thought when you think of the phrase "love"? A specific person, your family, or a classic romantic comedy?

There are many kinds of love — spiritual, intimate, domestic — and we all experience them differently. Sadly, not all "loving" relationships are healthy or positive. Do you know if you're in a healthy relationship? If so, are you certain about that? And what concludes a healthy relationship is contrary to an unhealthy relationship? This book will help you acknowledge the warning signs of an unhealthy relationship and what is the crucial trait of a healthy relationship.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

What True Love Means


What True Love Means

Do you ever wonder what true love means? You may have been through many courses of relationships and thought it would last forever, only to see it crash. You might have been betrayed by someone you never expected to do so, someone who met all the criteria on your checklist and seemed perfect but only to end up being a mirage. You may wonder why finding and keeping true love is so complicated, this book is here to help answer your questions and ease your fears concerning love.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Mistress Molly and Her Senior Sex Club


Mistress Molly and Her Senior Sex Club 

Molly Shapiro is having a crisis. She had been a faithful wife and mother for fifty years but now, with her husband dead and her lawyer son entrenched with his own family, she wants to make her own mark on the world. Life now for the seventy-two-year-old is playing Bunco, Mahjongg and Dominoes with her three best friends. It’s a daily routine. After much coaxing, she convinces her buddies to join her on an adventure that will change their lives. A move to another state, a dalliance in what some would consider an illegal and saucy venture, Molly is determined to make her last act one that is memorable. As she would say, It’s Molly’s Turn. And memorable it becomes.

REVIEW: “Once again, master storyteller Sherry Halperin invites the reader into the comical, interconnected lives of four fabulous youthful, vibrant, sensuous “older” women. This genre is her specialty. As she did in her previous books, “Rescue Me: He’s Wearing a Moose Hat” and “Just Call Me Lady”, she deftly, with tenderness and humor, confronts aging well by exploring loneliness, connection, friendship, senior sex, stereotypes, second acts, adult-parent relationships, identity and creating a meaningful life at any age.”

Dr. Dale Atkins; Psychologist, Author, Lecturer, and TODAY SHOW guest expert

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Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Meeting Dates


Meeting Dates

He and she aren’t supposed to meet or date. Once they meet, his high standard is going down and her heart rate is going up. When they date, his desire shoots up and her guard tumbles down. Avoiding each other, circumstances seem to have a way to make them more attached to each other.

His rules are his guide to having a tranquil life. Follow them, everything will fall into place. He learned it from experiences. Her presence threatens them. His perceptions change the more he gets closer to her. He needs to find an effective way out before her charm seeps into his life. It’s what is best.

One last task for her. Do it secretly and she can be back to where she belongs. The place no one will bother her. Calm and secluded life. She can only offer one thing. Friendship. No trace of affection, no hurt feelings when she’s gone. But with him, nothing went as she planned. When a favour turned into something else, she hopes he’ll keep his promise. But is that what she really wishes?

Pick Up Your Copy of Meeting Dates on the Links Below

Monday, February 13, 2023

Office Heat

Office Heat:

Enemies to Lovers Forced Proximity

(Burning Bossy Desires)

Get ready for a punchy enemies-to-lovers boss romance in this exciting spicy rom-com series!

Were from DIFFERENT WOLRDS, as he is privileged to grow up in a wealthy environment, unlike me, who came from a foster home.

Although I’m pretty focused at work, I often get distracted by my tall and handsome billionaire boss.

I’m not scared by his dominance, and I refuse to back down by showing him that I’m competent and resourceful in every task he hands me, even when things get awkward. But I find herself staring at him more often than I should.

An encounter filled with accusations. To say I was enraged would be an understatement.

He is smoking hot! But the truth is, he’s lacking in the manners department.

The perfect opportunity to get my foot in the door has presented itself, but the internship comes with a caveat I’m not prepared to handle.

Unfortunately, our accidental encounter resulted only in angst and drama. On top of it, I’ve got my family crises to worry about.

Little that I know, my boss goes from hating me to secretly admiring how I handle my job, but it doesn't stop him from giving me more tedious tasks to handle.

As our opposite worlds clash, the floodgates open to his unraveling buried family secrets.

The problem with secrets? They don't always stay a secret...

A spicy romance kindle unlimited, just enough for you to sizzle...

Whether you're looking for another office romance kindle unlimited or enemies-to-lovers forced proximity with HEA, this is one of the novels you should watch out for!

🎀 Pre-order Now for $0.99. 🎀

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Brittany Buckles


Brittany Buckles

Brittany has always been expected to become a trophy wife to further the family business. Her mother always introduces her to men who fit the Buckles standards. Clean cut, well dressed, educated and from a respected family. However these men are always shallow and selfish, never piquing her interest

When Brittany tracks down an upset customer to his house, she is surprised when he answers the door wrapped only in a towel. Even though he’s the exact opposite of the Buckles standards, she quickly finds herself drawn to him.

Jack has been content on his own for years now. He is wary that a beautiful sexy woman from a powerful family is interested in him. Usually this type of woman would never give him the time of day, so why are they so compatible?

Everything seems to be going great for them, that is until her family finds out.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Making French Chocolate - A Prequel Love Story


Making French Chocolate 

A prequel love story 

A few things were paramount in the proud Black American Murry family, and Delphine Murry could recite them in her sleep.

Don't trust anyone that doesn’t look like you. Color lines are permanent.

Don't bring home any grades lower than the first letter of your middle name. 

Don’t ever forget the history of our people. Honor them with Black Excellence.

Delphine had an almost insatiable appetite for learning. Living in New Orleans, the French language, history, and culture became one of her passions. By her college years, she was focused on becoming a doctor and determined to explore Paris one day.

French-born Professor Philippe’ Delacroix was one of the highest-ranking doctorate fellowship candidates under thirty at Sorbonne University. He knew his resume would be even more impressive after teaching in Louisiana, giving him future leverage in Paris, and credibility in America if he chose to return. Being gorgeous himself, he adored beautiful women. But he didn’t date his students, nor was he enticed by the melanin melting pot of New Orleans.

Opposing strangers unknowingly set into motion changes that will make a bittersweet blend of "French Chocolate."

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Level Up - The Complete Series


Level Up: The Complete Series

“You have the hands of a rogue, the mouth of a bard and I’m pretty sure you’re at least half cleric because you have me ready to scream… Oh God.”

Level Up has redefined the Gaming Erotica genre and now you can get all five novellas in one convenient BoxSet

Dillon Strands is not your typical college co-ed. While others are chasing down parties and partners, living out their dreams of debauchery, Dillon and his friends are studying, gaming and stuck in a rut, their social lives hanging by a thread. After a semester of continued promises to step out of their comfort zone, the five friends find themselves exactly where they started.

Enter Suzanne Andrews, a gamer girl with a plan.

He may be at the top of his class but when it comes to the art of pleasure, Suzie Andrews is an A+ student.

Monday, February 6, 2023

The Book of Gemma


The Book of Gemma

A race of godly creatures made from the stars named Starzithians have become in danger as a group of people from across the galaxy have sought out their death, naming the Starzithians as Solar Destroyers after their ancestors started consuming Solar systems. The only planet they could go into hiding is tucked in the deep corner of space named Fierita. A place that crawls with humans and god awful human behavior.

800 years into hiding, Gemma watches Fierita collapse under human rule.
A nearby planet named Darus is their only option to rebuild... under their leadership and godly powers.

Gemma helps her kind move mountains to help both species survive and thrive. Teaching the humans how to build around nature and not over it.
But people never really change do they?

When their new planet is hit by another that thrives in nature and 1/4 the size of Darus sends the humans back into repeating their mistakes from Fierita.

Making the hardest decision of who gets to taste the new life on the next new chance and who must live in the horrible days of crumbling Darus.

Starzithians can no longer stand the dangerous solar system that fails every planet the humans live on; they must find a solar system that humans can thrive on.

But thousands of years have passed with no luck in finding a solution, generations of humans have come and gone just like the stories of Starzithians.

When Gemma falls in love with a human named Deecon she becomes distracted in her mission.

Dark days come over her as Deecon has flipped a switch after questioning if the stories of Starzithians are true, if she was indeed a Solar Destroyer.

Gemma is put through the fiery passion of love and the cold darkness of pure evil.
When stories of Starzithians has her question what her races true purpose was when they set foot, were they indeed trying to save them? Or were they putting humans under harsh experiments to test their survival for something much bigger planned?

Was Gemma their savior? Or their end?

Sunday, February 5, 2023

A Short Stack of Sex and Other Stories


A Short Stack of Sex and Other Stories

Have you ever just skipped to the naughty scenes in romance novels? There is no need to in A Short Stack of Sex and Other Stories. 21 lustily lush quickies jump straight into titillating settings. This compilation also includes 8 short stories ranging from the fantastical to contemporary and a few dirty limericks.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

The Strangers


The Strangers:

From: The Chronicles of Bamboo Village

Vol.1 No.5

The Strangers is a West Indian fictional short story set in the imaginary Bamboo Village in Barbados during the 1950s. It captures the essence of the island's language and culture in several conversations and incidents. It is humorous and highly entertaining. The Strangers is the fifth short story of Volume 1 of the intriguing collection: 'The Chronicles of Bamboo Village'; which embodies the dynamics transitions and transforms of the island, from the 1950s until Present, through the eyes, relations and interactions of the villagers of Bamboo and their counterparts in 'Glentis Village'. The Strangers is the key link to Volume 1, enjoyable and quite satisfying read.

Friday, February 3, 2023

Arranged Mating


Arranged Mating: Otherworlders Series

As the granddaughter and only descendent of the leader of the Midnight Pack, Isla Bane has experienced an unusual upbringing. Though female werewolves don’t have the ability to shift into wolf form and are appreciated mostly for their ability to produce purebred offspring, she has been training in physical combat with her enchanted whip her entire life. But the future she has always imagined, as the Alpha of her pack, becomes nothing more than fantasy when her grandfather interrupts her morning coffee to tell her she is to be mated to Axel Griffith – the heir to the wealthy Shadow Pack. Following protocol, her grandfather takes Isla to the first of the many gatherings that will take place before the next wolf moon, at which she will become officially mated. However, when Isla is dancing with her surprisingly attractive future mate, and trying to turn off her secret ability to read minds, the gathering is attacked by a group of organized Crazed – the oldest and most dangerous Otherworlders who had

been driven crazy and diseased during prolonged imprisonment are left with no humanity, only a desire to kill.

As Axel and Isla grow closer, he starts bringing her into his own machination. He introduces her to an organization he’s been working with in secret: The Legion – the organization of vampires dedicated to preserving the balance between worlds, which is preparing to move against Eric the Red, the Crazed Vampire who is rumoured to be building an army of Crazed. But Isla is keeping her own secrets, namely that Rattenru, the leader of the Fay in the otherworldly Realm she’s sworn to protect, is her maternal grandfather. And when Rattenru visits her to reveal that she’s pregnant right at a time when she’s about to face the greatest threat the worlds have ever seen, their growing love is put at risk.

Between their budding romance, life-altering secrets, and the threat that has found its way into their own home and pack, it will take all the strength they possess if Isla and Axel want to do their sworn duties and protect both their packs and the world order.

Click here to get Arranged Mating on Amazon Paperback

Click here to get Arranged Mating on Amazon Kindle

Thursday, February 2, 2023

They Might Be Toxic


A Little Book About Toxic Relationships
A quick easy guide to help you identify unhealthy patterns in your relationships by looking at:

Similar relationship patterns at work, home, and in the family.

How much freedom and autonomy you have within the context of a relationship.

How you are spoken to.

The language of abuse.

Phrases or insults that replay in your head.

This book is for everyone because abusive relationships exist everywhere. Whether at work or at home, whether a family member or a person you've hired the patterns of abusive relationships are common. A toxic relationship can rob you of your joy and take an enormous amount of energy.

This guide will help you begin to untangle the toxic relationships in your life by empowering you to see them for what they are.

Available on iTunes, Google Books, BN and soon on Audible.

or Visit the Website at


Wednesday, February 1, 2023

It's In Their DNA


and Do Not Answer

How many times have you said or thought, “I wish I had known…” about your mate? Probably more times than can be counted. Well, join the rest of us in the boat who have been or are in serious relationships. We’d hoped that the waters traveled would be smooth sailing before being unexpectedly hit with tumultuous waves. Why unexpectedly? Because we were so encapsulated by the boat in the calm waters stationed at the dock, we didn’t bother checking the forecast of what lay ahead. Much like a relationship, we see, we like, we commit. What we don’t do is thoroughly investigate before setting sail. No need to fret. In It’s in Their DNA: What and Why Men and Women Do Not Ask and Do Not Answer, Dr. Watson provides a compilation of questions and answers to help us learn and understand our mates.

Now more than ever, many have become apprehensive of pursuing relationships leading to marriage, partly because of the misconception that it isn’t worth it. Nothing can be further from the truth! What makes a relationship worthwhile is the work that is built upon with a potential lifetime partner – creating something special based not only on love but in-depth knowledge and understanding of one another. That is a great feat and testament to others!