Quick And Easy Tips To Help You Feel Good, Look Good And Live Good
These Mini Boosts Mean SERIOUS BUSINESS!
Learn how to boost your entire body in less than 10 minutes a day.
10 Minute Boosts for your Body, Mind & Beauty teaches you how to incorporate short, but effective mini-boosts into your day to help you look and feel amazing. Mix and match them throughout the day, or take them one at a time. It's completely up to you!
What's inside:
- Mini, but mighty, workouts - Build strength, burn fat, improve balance and increase energy.
- Natural beauty boosters - Simple self-care tips for your body, hair, face, skin and nails.
- Breathe deep - Short, but powerful breathing exercises to help you reduce stress, improve concentration and energize your entire body.
- Sleep soundly - Tried and true techniques to help you relax and unwind for a better night’s sleep.
10 Minute Boosts for Your Body, Mind & Beauty is a handy guide for anyone who wants simple, fast and effective tools to help them look and feel their very best, each and every day.

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