Monday, September 23, 2024

Mr & Mrs FREUD: in love ... but still playing psychological games

 Book Cover

Mr & Mrs FREUD: in love ... but still playing psychological games

I've wrote many books about love ... being in love, but also hating the concept of love ... and even promised myself that i'll never do that again ... but ...

Well ... into one point ... after publishing 20 books of love essays ... i've had a very serious discussion with myself and ...

Yes ... i've said it again that i'll not write again about love ....

But ... damn it ... i just loved the concept.

I loved all related to .... love.

And even if i knew that a love story is many times ... illusory ... and might ruin completely our souls ... destroying them forever ... I've continued to write my perceptions about the subject.

The funny thing is that ... promising myself i'll never be again into a love story ... i've started to analyse the couples i saw on the stage of my life.

And what was intriguing me the most was why a man and a woman ... even when the love between them is so damn obvious... still do stupid things ... which are actually ruining all?!

Why if both of them are in love of each other .... what the hell could be the meaning of the non sense psychological games we are doing?!

And even worst ... why do we see very intelligent people ... playing so, so stupid on that stage of a love story?

Why do they need to do stupid things?!

Why they jump from love to hate so easily?!

Also ... why the hell ... even the ones knowing a lot about psychology ... don't do the right things?!

And had many occasions to see people which I'll generally define as Mr and Mrs Freud ... practicing the nonsense into a love story .... on and on and on.

The final question remains ... why?!

I could not find a real answer... but i've dared to continue analysing and defining into my writings .... the subject.

Into the end ... maybe i could declare that i don't really have a conclusion .... but i love to talk about love.

The subject itself ... is intriguing my soul.

So .... I went deeper and deeper into my essays... being obsessed of a hope similar with the one of ... touching the horizon line.

It's maybe ... ridiculous ... but .. i give myself the freedom to suffer of this addiction.

About the Author 

I've started to write my first book at 16 ... but then ... realizing i could not publish it ... i've abandoned the idea of being a ... writer.

20 years later ... i've started to write again ... believing i will finally succeed ... but i've failed one more time ... not getting the success i was chasing for.

Another 5 years later ... i've started one more time to write ... but this time ... more as a therapy.

It's what i've defined as ... self therapy.

I was analyzing and defining lots of weird ideas ... that were a lot related to me ... and my own soul.

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Mr & Mrs FREUD: in love ...

but still playing psychological games

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Mr & Mrs FREUD: in love ...

but still playing psychological games

on Apple Books

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