Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Love Concoction: The Realization of What Love Is

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Love Concoction:

The Realization of What Love Is 

Free eBook! Love Concoction: The Realization of What Love Is "Yes. Women want men who want them back! They want the things a man, a natural man wants to give her to make her happy. Happy wife, happy life right? Why or how do I know this? Because I really want to flirt with girls now (flirting is fun). I don't feel so bad again if the girl rejects me, or deviates away from me, or shows uncertainty (this is different to a lack of interest – a lack of interest is generally bad, but if she is merely uncertain about you then this is OK). Yes. This is the dating game. I want to kiss girls. I want to go out and spend time with them watching movies at a cinema, and eating dinner, or drinking coffee or drinks at a cafe. And of course I would like to make love to the right girl. She wants a guy who shows he is really interested in her by (him) pursuing the relationship a bit. And as a guy, I (more) like to take part in this mating dance now (within limits). It's been a while but I am starting to remember.
Of course a guy who is absolutely stunning to her (if he's super attractive, or famous, or successful, etc.) she will generally not require him to work too hard. And she will show constant interest and availability. But..."

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